
Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill

Novodvinsk, Russia


Founded in 1940, the Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill manufactures and exports cardboard, pulp, paper, packaging materials, and chemical pulp to Western Europe, Italy, Turkey and the UK. SBT, the representative for Penetron-Russia in the Arkhangelsk Oblast, was assigned to repair and reconstruct a range of concrete structures at the ACBK: the pumping station (which also supplies water to Novodvinsk), the facility’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), the pulp production tanks, and other structures.

Products Used

Working with a certified application team, the SBT team prepared the damaged concrete surfaces using a combination of PENECRETE MORTAR, a crystalline waterproofing mortar used to fill large cracks, and PENETRON, a topical crystalline waterproofing slurry, sprayed over the surface to provide a durable and impermeable concrete structure. The Penetron products were also used to seal the construction joints and fill the tie-holes in certain structures.

Related Media Releases

January 11, 2022

Penetron Specialists Help Repair Damaged Concrete Tanks at Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Factory in Russia

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing



Crystalline Waterproofing

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