
Ukrainian-Germany Agricultural Company (NPZ)



NPZ is a globally recognized manufacturer of grain seeds. NPZ Ukraine is a supplier of high-yielding rapeseed hybrids seeds of Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans Georg Lembke KG (NPZ, Germany) and grain, oil and other crops. Throughout the years, numerous experiments have been conducted in Ukraine and Germany to identify the best breeding material for the climatic conditions of Ukraine. The experiments also test various elements of cultivation technology to provide further competent recommendations for farmers. Qualified specialists of NPZ Ukraine provide constant support to clients at all stages - from sowing to harvesting.

Products Used

Penetron has proven to be a reliable solution for agricultural companies all over the world. To ensure concrete durability of all water reservoirs, Penetron Ukraine has suggested PENETRON ADMIX. PENETRON ADMIX is a non-toxic, 3rd generation crystalline admixture that is added to new concrete during batching. Once inside the concrete, it reduces concrete permeability by permanently self-healing microcracks, pores and capillaries and effectively protecting the concrete against water penetration and the effects of deterioration, even under high hydrostatic pressure. PENETRON ADMIX was added to 450m3 of concrete mix used for the slab and walls of two water tanks.

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing

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